Replacing more refined grains with brown rice may help you lose weight. Refined grains like white rice, white pasta and white bread lack the fiber and nutrients food that whole grains like contain.
For example, one cup (158 grams) of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber. While white rice contains less than 1 gram.
Fiber helps keep you fuller over a longer period of time. So choosing fiber-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories overall UFABET
In fact, studies show that people who eat more whole grains like brown rice weigh less than those who consume fewer whole grains.

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that. Whole grain intake including is associated with a lower risk of weight gain or obesity. Results suggest that whole grains reduce hunger and a desire to eat; keeping you satiated.
In one older study, 40 overweight women. Who ate 2/3 cup (150 grams) per day for six weeks had significant reductions in body weight. And waist circumference compared to women who ate the same amount of white rice.
Additionally, the women who ate brown rice experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure and CRP, a marker of inflammation in the body